Friendship Preservation Group
Great people making a great neighborhood in Pittburgh

Monday, July 21, 2003  

Kickball Tomorrow
Tell your kids to go to Friendship Playground tomorrow night, Tuesday, after 7 p.m. If you have a ball send it along. Maybe a kickball game will result.

posted by smallstreams | 8:02 PM

Friday, July 18, 2003  

Eat, for Art's Sake
This just in from Dana.
Don't forget to do your shopping at Whole Foods Wednesday July 23rd - 5% of profits go to help the Penn Avenue Arts Initiative!!!!!

posted by smallstreams | 10:26 AM

Monday, July 14, 2003  

Waldorf Closes on That Big Building on Winebiddle
From Sharron of the Waldorf School:

Dear Most Highly Esteemed Neighbors and Councilman Peduto,

I sent this out to our parent community today along with a request for some help which I didn't include in this e-mail to you, and thought you would like to know that -  

"We closed on Victoria Hall yesterday afternoon!  The place is ours!  Our vision for school building located in Pittsburgh within 3 miles from the point, surrounded by grass and trees is really going to happen!   I remember that I didn't see how this could happen in our visioning meeting facilitated by Laura Freedman three years ago at the seminary in the South Hills, and now it has happened!  With the prospect of the move our enrollment has increased beyond our expectations."

Thank you for all of your support and energy and great ideas!  Some of our parents have already started weeding the property a few weeks ago, and we plan to start work right away.  Hopefully by around August 1st the first improvement you will notice is that the large Victorian House will be painted. So much is happening so quickly.  

Thanks again!  We are so excited to be a part of this community!

posted by smallstreams | 12:39 PM

Wednesday, July 09, 2003  

Baum Centre Corridor Vision Project
The next public meeting for the Baum/Centre Planning Initiative is scheduled for Saturday, July 12, 2003 @ 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room C in Shadyside Hospital.  This meeting will be a design workshop for the corridor.

posted by smallstreams | 12:29 PM