Friendship Preservation Group
Great people making a great neighborhood in Pittburgh

Monday, June 23, 2003  

Call for Photos
The FPG Communications Committee is looking for photos of Friendship. Digital photos are best. Some houses, Baum Grove, activities like the most excellent party held on Coral Street this past Saturday, and anything you think should be on the web site. Send them by e-mail to me ( or Robert Cantillo (

posted by smallstreams | 11:05 AM

Friday, June 20, 2003  

Take a Torch to the Libraries
Am I being too incendiary by saying that our state government is trying to torch our libraries. Perhaps that's a bit much. Perhaps the subject of the libraries is not germane to the FPG site, even. But as long as I'm the one who's using most of the bandwidth, here goes. . .

Remember that scene in Manhattan where the Woody Allen character talks about what makes life worth living: Willy Mays, Groucho Marx, Cezanne's apples and pears. We all have our own lists, but when I think about Friendship and Pittsburgh and what makes it worth living here I think of the Carnegie Library. My last post was about what a wonderful asset we have in the Carnegie. But not every one thinks so, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten this e-mail from Darla Cravotta.
Everyone -

We need you now more than ever.

This is most critical. The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is now facing a serious loss of library services. The Commonwealth budget passed in March of 2003 cut 50% of state library funding! This means a total loss of $1.2 million dollars for 2003 and $2.4 million for the year 2004. Carnegie Library now must act and suspend various outreach efforts, reduce operating hours and close the Main Library and Squirrel Hill location on Sundays.

Public libraries are investment in communities. This cut is unacceptable. Library users and residents of the City of Pittsburgh have rallied around this drastic cut and written letters to the Governor, made a grassroots video for our elected officials, called their state senators and representatives and signed "I love my Library Books" that were sent to Harrisburg.

But we need to keep calling, writing and asking the legislature and the Governor to restore full funding to public libraries!

Please, write a letter to the editor, call your state senator, your state representative and the Governor.

Please do what you can. We now return this web log to normal neighborhood concerns.

posted by smallstreams | 10:26 AM

Wednesday, June 18, 2003  

Summer Reading
I ran into Mark, the East Liberty Branch librarian, the other day. I told him how much I liked using the online service. He said he wished more people used it.

It's screamingly simple, just go to the online catalog. Find the book you want (they have a lot of bestsellers), put it in your book cart, and have them send it to the East Liberty branch. No fuss, no muss, no Oakland parking. Ian from The Quiet Storm says the only thing missing is someone picking up the book when it's due.

Oh, yeah, it also works for CDs, videos, and DVDs!

posted by smallstreams | 11:27 AM

Monday, June 16, 2003  

Add to Your Social Calendar
This from Martha Terry:

Hey, you guys! We're having a block party on Saturday, June 21, between South Atlantic and South Aiken on Coral Street. Fun starts at 2 -- goes till 10. We'll have the street blocked off so kids can bring bikes, skates, and scooters. We'll have some activities for kids, but if you've got stuff that's appropriate, bring it. We'll furnish drinks, hot dogs, condiments and paper goods -- bring a dish to share with neighbors, come for a minute, come for a long time - we'd love to see you! ADDED BONUS -- The Rank Strangers will be playing a short set before their evening gig at the Bloomfield Bridge Tavern.

posted by smallstreams | 9:02 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2003  

A Bagel, Not a Volcano
Mulch is available for Friendship street trees, according to the Friendship Newsletter. Diana Ames says that it's best to think bagel and not volcano when surrounding the tree with mulch. Click on the Newsletter link on the left for details.

posted by smallstreams | 10:00 AM

Monday, June 09, 2003  

Join the Conversation
I recently spoke with Rick St. John, who is leading a program called Conversations for Common Wealth (CCW) that helps people connect with each other and with our common good. About ten participants meet (and get a light dinner) and talk and work on issues through a . . . (well, I'll let Rick explain it to you).

According to what I heard, the ideal participant is not a "super-volunteer" nor a back-to-the-woods survivalist. Which probably excludes most of you out there with your canned meats and 7 gallon water jugs. But if you know someone who fits the description have them call Rick at 412.321.3900 ext. 206 or e-mail him at

posted by smallstreams | 10:05 AM

Wednesday, June 04, 2003  

Big Week, Lots of News
Click on Newsletter, Penn Avenue Arts, or Classifieds and find out what's going on, or what's for rent, or what has been lost or found. I sure hope Matt has found his plumber. I wonder if he's tried the gooseneck, sometimes things get lodged up there.

posted by smallstreams | 5:03 PM

Tuesday, June 03, 2003  

Sorry. Links. I believe they're called links.

posted by smallstreams | 1:01 PM