Friendship Preservation Group
Great people making a great neighborhood in Pittburgh

Monday, March 01, 2004  

Signs of Spring

crocuses in Chandler's yard

Yesterday I saw my first blossoms of the year in the Chandler's yard. It's all up hill till the Flower and Folk Fest.

posted by smallstreams | 11:54 PM

Friday, January 23, 2004  

Friendship Homeowners:

Have a great house you are dying to show off? Want to be the envy of people throughout the region for the cool things you have done with your home? Want to become more involved in your community and help raise money for community development efforts in your neighborhood? You deserve to be recognized for the hard work and loving care you have put into your home to make it your own.

Friendship Development Associates, Inc. (FDA) is looking for a new batch of houses to participate in the 2004 Friendship House Tour, which will be held September 19. If you would like to have your house featured on the tour or know of a great house that you would like to see on the tour this year, please contact Dana Smith either by phone 412-441-6147 or e-mail by March 15.

posted by smallstreams | 10:42 AM

Monday, November 10, 2003  

Rank Stranger and Friendship Resident Makes Appearance
Dave Arndt will be playing with "Pittsburgh's Hardest Drivin' Tallest Bluegrass Band" on November 15th at Tommy's on the South Side. Hope to see you there.

Rank Strangers Poster

posted by smallstreams | 9:23 AM

Wednesday, October 01, 2003  

I Need Some Comments
I have posted an unofficial FPG Site on my website. I know we need to make a link to the Friendship Journal, and I need to make the links work on the House Tour/photo gallery site. Also, currently, the FDA website is the e-mail newsletter. Other than that let me know what is needed/not needed.E-mail me or post your comments here.

posted by smallstreams | 11:27 AM

Friday, September 26, 2003  

House Tour 2003
If you want to see the houses that are on this year's tour on Sunday, check this out. Thanks to Curt Chandler for the photographs.

posted by smallstreams | 11:10 AM

Thursday, September 04, 2003  

Peduto on Penn Avenue Improvement
Councilman Bill Peduto says there are no plans to put capital money into operating budget. Here are the details:


The "Ricciardi Plan" was tabled by Council on Tuesday.  I have not heard of
anyone who is interested in reintroducing any Bill which would utilize
capital dollars for operating expenses.  There were 3 plans that Council
voted on Tuesday.  The "Ricciardi Plan" which froze ALL capital projects
and increased the parking tax - it was tabled.  The plan sponsored by Twanda
Carlisle and myself - shift crossing guards to school budget, 2% mandatory
across-the-board salary reductions for all city employees, $1 million
reduction in Council/Mayor Neighborhood Needs allocation and $2.5 million
transfer from Pittsburgh Development Fund to operating budget - it was voted
down.  The "Hertzberg" Plan which transfers the Pittsburgh Development Fund
back to the operating budget was supported by a 5-3 vote.

All three of these plans were one-time attempts to buy an additional four
months of city services in order to make long term structural changes.  The
Mayor has stated to the public that all capital projects are being evaluated
and that next years capital budget will be limited to essential road
services (paving, etc), purchase of emergency vehicles and a few core city
functions.  Even if we receive all of the assistance we are seeking from
Harrisburg, there will still be a $30-$40 million deficit that we will have
to address through cutting services and projects or raising additional

I believe there is a third way.  The time to completely restructure city
government is upon us.  There will be some difficult decisions, but if we
spread it out far enough the impact will be minimal.  This year I will be
proposing a 4 year plan during the budget hearings.  Before making any
decisions I will hold a public hearing in my Council district and of course
you can always reach me at or visit to express your ideas.  But for now, there is no plan to
transfer capital dollars to operating expenses - thus preserving Penn Avenue
reconstruction for the time being.

Bill Peduto

posted by smallstreams | 12:49 PM

Unblurred Presents . . .
Check out this Friday's "Unblurred" schedule here.

posted by smallstreams | 7:16 AM

Wednesday, September 03, 2003  

Penn Avenue Improvement Update
From Dana:
Hello All:

Quick update on Council's legislation regarding the budget crisis and capital projects in the city (Penn Ave, Penn Circle, and many others). Yesterday, Tuesday September 2, Council tabled two items of legislation relating to the use of capital budget funds towards the city's operating budget shortfall. As such, everything is still up in the air.

On Tuesday, Sept 9th, council will reintroduce the legislation relating to Penn Ave and capital budget items. The driving assumption is that this legislation, after being reintroduced, would be voted on the following day, Weds Sept 10th. (But possibly they could vote on it the same day though unlikely).

We will keep all of you updated as we learn anything. BGC will be contacting council members in the next few days and we will relay any relevant info. You will be notified if we need to move quickly into action over the rest of the week, early next week.

Thank you for your continued interest and inquiries and most importantly your participation - we had a great turn out at yesterday's council meeting. Ed McCabe spoke eloquently on behalf of the East End Business Stakeholders and several other speakers joined in to let Council know our position.

posted by smallstreams | 5:15 PM

Thursday, August 28, 2003  

You can come to the Friendship Happy Hour any time after 6 p.m. Hope to see you there.

posted by smallstreams | 6:40 PM

Wednesday, August 27, 2003  

Get Happy
Liz Perry and Mark Stroup will host a happy hour this Friday (8/29) at their house, 215 S. Fairmount, in the back yard (or front porch in the event of rain). As usual, bring something to eat or drink -- but not both! (Don't want too many leftovers.) Feel free to bring friends and new neighbors! Kids welcome.

posted by smallstreams | 8:57 AM

Monday, July 21, 2003  

Kickball Tomorrow
Tell your kids to go to Friendship Playground tomorrow night, Tuesday, after 7 p.m. If you have a ball send it along. Maybe a kickball game will result.

posted by smallstreams | 8:02 PM

Friday, July 18, 2003  

Eat, for Art's Sake
This just in from Dana.
Don't forget to do your shopping at Whole Foods Wednesday July 23rd - 5% of profits go to help the Penn Avenue Arts Initiative!!!!!

posted by smallstreams | 10:26 AM

Monday, July 14, 2003  

Waldorf Closes on That Big Building on Winebiddle
From Sharron of the Waldorf School:

Dear Most Highly Esteemed Neighbors and Councilman Peduto,

I sent this out to our parent community today along with a request for some help which I didn't include in this e-mail to you, and thought you would like to know that -  

"We closed on Victoria Hall yesterday afternoon!  The place is ours!  Our vision for school building located in Pittsburgh within 3 miles from the point, surrounded by grass and trees is really going to happen!   I remember that I didn't see how this could happen in our visioning meeting facilitated by Laura Freedman three years ago at the seminary in the South Hills, and now it has happened!  With the prospect of the move our enrollment has increased beyond our expectations."

Thank you for all of your support and energy and great ideas!  Some of our parents have already started weeding the property a few weeks ago, and we plan to start work right away.  Hopefully by around August 1st the first improvement you will notice is that the large Victorian House will be painted. So much is happening so quickly.  

Thanks again!  We are so excited to be a part of this community!

posted by smallstreams | 12:39 PM

Wednesday, July 09, 2003  

Baum Centre Corridor Vision Project
The next public meeting for the Baum/Centre Planning Initiative is scheduled for Saturday, July 12, 2003 @ 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room C in Shadyside Hospital.  This meeting will be a design workshop for the corridor.

posted by smallstreams | 12:29 PM

Monday, June 23, 2003  

Call for Photos
The FPG Communications Committee is looking for photos of Friendship. Digital photos are best. Some houses, Baum Grove, activities like the most excellent party held on Coral Street this past Saturday, and anything you think should be on the web site. Send them by e-mail to me ( or Robert Cantillo (

posted by smallstreams | 11:05 AM